Bulk Solids

With decades of experience and a profound understanding of flow properties and principles, Diamondback Technology testing services are among the leading in the industry. Our expertise is geared toward enhancing plant operations and driving cost savings.

Material Flow Properties Testing

Predicting the behavior of bulk materials based on experience alone is insufficient. Even extensive research and pilot studies may not prevent handling issues. Our approach centers on thorough testing of a material's flow properties. This data guides equipment recommendations or designs, optimizing process operations. Accurate testing replicates key factors like temperature, storage conditions, chemical reactions, and pressure, considering vessel construction. Using the Johanson Indicizer® System, we successfully test various materials, from pharmaceuticals to biomass, replicating conditions. This includes moisture content variations and compaction pressures ranging from a few pounds to full compaction pressure. Our engineers provide a confidential, detailed report and conceptual equipment designs based on meticulous interpretation of test results. This ensures the effective resolution of flow and processing challenges.

Identifying Material Properties

Through material properties and equipment testing, we uncover critical characteristics that directly impact handling:

  • Arching and Ratholing Tendencies

  • Segregation Mechanisms

  • Degradation Potential

  • Limiting Flow Rates

  • Adhesion and Cohesion Characteristics

  • Compressibility and Permeability

  • Abrasive Qualities

A sheet of paper with instructions for drawing.

Applying Test Data for Operational Enhancement

Leveraging test data allows for targeted improvements:

  • Elimination of Hangups

  • Reduction of Process Downtime

  • Enhanced Flow Rates

  • Elevated Product Quality

  • Minimized Product Loss

  • Proactive Maintenance Measures

  • Optimal Equipment Selection for Material and Process

Plant Visits and Seminars

A man and woman working in a lab.

On-Site Solutions

A plant visit stands as the most expedient and accurate approach to diagnosing and gathering essential information for resolving bulk material handling dilemmas. Our engineers engage with plant personnel, gaining insights into operations, procedures, and experiences. They conduct observations, capture imagery of processes in action, and pinpoint any operational or equipment adjustments that may alleviate existing bottlenecks while a long-term solution is developed. Following the visit, we furnish a comprehensive report featuring our findings, supplemented with photographs of problematic areas and recommendations for process improvements, thereby mitigating hangups and enhancing production rates.

Customized Education

Our on-site seminars are tailored to a company's specific processing system and materials, providing practical training for plant managers and operations personnel. Topics span a wide range, from fine powder handling to blender and feeder selection, segregation, agglomeration, flooding, and flushing, to custom topics unique to a company's operations. Drawing on pre-tested bulk material data, we illustrate the principles being taught. Seminars can also incorporate brief plant tours, allowing for targeted discussions on specific equipment or processing issues. These one- or two-day sessions ensure even participants with limited bulk solids flow education acquire enough knowledge to make informed material handling decisions.

A group of people sitting in front of a projector screen.